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9 June 2024 Special Announcement

Dear friends of MADS,

I am sure many of you have already heard the heartbreaking news about St. Anne’s Anglican Church burning down this morning. Thankfully, no one was injured, but the interior of the church has been completely destroyed.

Our hearts and prayers are with the full, wide-reaching St. Anne’s community as we grieve the loss of this beautiful building. The church has touched so many by its beauty, its music, its artistic significance and its welcoming spirit. The building is, however, only one part of the spirit of a church, and I am confident that the spirit of St. Anne’s will live on.

We know very little at this point, but my understanding is that the Parish Hall is intact. We will do our best to keep you informed as we learn about the future of the church and of MADS.

Thank you all for your ongoing support.


Laura Schatz
Artistic Director

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